Red and White Composition

While getting things ready for the arrival of my first Oil Paints, I found a few things.
I found a tube of Alizarin Crimson and a large tube of titanium White Winsor and Newton Water Mixable Oil Color. They are both over 10 years old and have been in a drawer for all of this time.
If you found two colors, Red and white, what could you paint with just those?
I was thinking they may be used for a Monochrome painting of maybe a landscape or something like that.
What would you do?

If you get another tube of Water Mixable Oil but this time Phthalo Green (sometimes reffered to as Viridian Hue), you can mix it with the Alizarin to obtain a deep black. Then with the white you are all set for painting anything you wish because those 3 colors give you the full tonal range from black to white.

Adding just one more color like cad yellow and you can go a very, very long way long way.
This painting was painted with exactly the palette described but in regular oil paint:
Tic Toc Tangerine

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I just ordered them and they should be here in a day or so.
Thanks, I forgot about the other 3 primaries.

Glad I could help, Kenneth

I get the water mixables and made my first ever oil painting. It is part of a course I am taking.
I followed your instructions to mix the colors. Thanks.
I didn’t think it would turn out this good so I painted it on the plastic covering for the canvas panel. Now I will need to do it over again when the oils come probably tomorrow.
Thanks for the help.

Good work Kenneth.
Keep at it.

Hi Kenneth,
glad to see above mentioned entries. I use only a limited palette. And I think not many people do so. There are so many benefits from it. As Johan alredy wrote there are so many color combinations and mixtures possible and what is so amazing to me: almost instantly you have a color harmony in your painting simply because the same red is in your orange tones or brown and violet colors. The same yellow is in your greens and orange colors and so on.

I challenge you if I may, to get from the tube any color out and mix it with your limited palette. Great exercise and great fun.
Here is a painting I did with just green, red, yellow and white.

If you want to check out my palette, here´the link to my blog.
Michaels palette

Thank you in advance for visiting and happy painting

Love those colors. They look like the ones you would find in nature.
My water mixable pallet is limited. I may just leave it that way.
The oil pallet has more because I am just learning and the course asks for them.

Thank you very much.
By the way, learning never stops … I still do :smile:.
Enjoy and happy painting