Newsletter vs emailing

How many artist use a newsletter or email do stay In touch with your customers? Does this method of marketing really work, or are there better ways to reach your customers without use of the social media, I really would like some feedback on this, comments are always welcome and appreciated thank artist don northup

I use a newsletter, maybe every 3-4 months, just when I have something say. I probably should do more. In the past I’ve heard people say they came to my show or craft sale because they got my newsletter. I try to get people to sign up for it whenever I can, even at a holiday craft sale I had the list out so people could sign up. I have about 70 on there now. I use Mailchimp; you have to use something when you mass email things, otherwise they go to the receiver’s spam folder.

Also, sign up for other artists newsletters to get ideas for what you want yours to look like.

Thank you for your comments and suggestions I will and it is much appreciated thank don

I just signed up with mailchimp - its tied to my wordpress website. whenever i add a new post (some refer to this as a blog post) it will generate a new email the following day - my posts are not just general text but the post is a snapshop of the new art that I’ve just posted. I don’t know how one would go about doing this through DPW though.

Thank you pat, for your feedback, much appreciated don artist friend

Welcome to the community as well

I use FASO. It has so many features. I dont have a lot of subscribers, but I dont post on social media which is a good driver. Ive never sold anything from my website, just Ebay or the local society show, in person.