I had a blog a while ago but stopped posting on it.
I’ve been thinking about starting a new one up again but now that everyone posts their progress on reels on instagram, I was wondering whether any of you actually think blogs are still relevant and do you read blogs anymore?
I read James Gurney’s blog every day (GurneyJourney). But that’s the only one now as all the ones I used to follow are no long up-dated. I stopped blogging because I was getting so little traffic I was basically talking to myself. Would be interested to hear what the general view is. I used to enjoy blogs as they allow for more depth and subtlety than Instagram, and the text and pictures fit together better.
I still use a blog on my website, but not the way I used to use it. Before, I wrote a lot more about what I was painting and why. Now, I post a line or two (not necessarily about the art!) along with a picture, and then I add tags and categories as well as links to where to purchase and an invite to sign up for my newsletter.
I use my website as a hub for everything else because I have control over it. FB and Instagram and Pinterest and YouTube can change their rules at any time. This way, anyone can find my work and I can control their experience.
I think I’m going to get my blog going again if only for myself, after all that’s what they were originally.
Since I paint in oils and it can be a good while before I can mail anything out, I think I’m going to use it as a sort of ‘work in progress’ blog so that people can see what’s coming up.
Thanks Connie. Actually I think you are right. Since my last post here I’ve been recording my progress on IG. That seeks to be where it’s at now. Not sure I can keep up a blog as well. Thanks for your input.
Hello, in my personal opinion, I have 2 pieces of information for you. Firstly, if Google still exists, it is inevitable that blogs will survive because it will base on the content and value you bring to users to suggest to customers, however, as you know, a blogger now has to fight AI, which is not a small challenge. Secondly, the influence of social networks also affects young people a lot, they no longer like to explore, persevere and like everything quickly… so it is very difficult for them to read blogs - of course not all. In short, blogs can still survive but must improve their content and accept a smaller and more selective customer base. https://mondedessin.fr/dessin-chat-facile/