Help! Alternatives Feedburner Blog Going Away

Google announced they are terminating Feedburner (July 2021). I use this for blog mailings - a friend recommended it when joining DPW years ago. Found this article, but not very helpful. I use mailchimp for a club, but doesn’t seem to be working with my blog. Ideas? what do you use and how easy to integrate with DPW? All ideas welcome.

I have been working on just what you need - a new Art Alert feature that will work as follows:

  1. Each artist can send up to one Art Alert Email to their subscribers list each day.

  2. An Art Alert Email would normally contain one artwork, including, the title, the image, buy link, the description, and other info, however, it can contain none or more than one artwork.

  3. An Art Alert Email can also contain an optional message and will contain links to your entered social media pages/feeds.

  4. You only will pay for what you use! Unlike other email marketing providers, such as Constant Contact and MailChimp, DPW will charge you only for the emails you actually send out, instead of a fixed monthly charge based on your subscriber count that you pay even if you don’t send out any emails. With DPW, you will get the first 1,000 emails for free and then additional emails are $0.50 per thousand.

  5. In addition to people being able to subscribe, you will be able to directly enter and import subscribers.

I am hoping to roll this out in the next month or so after some beta testing. It will likely be a staged rollout, meaning it will be available to a growing number of artists at a time, but not all at once.


I now see notices about Art Alert but see notihng as to where to access this feature. Where and how do I set up this feature?

You can get started by clicking the Manage Your Art Alerts item in your Welcome menu at the top of your DPW Gallery or my Paintworks pages. Be sure to check out your Art Alerts Guide, as well.

David - thank you so much for this feature! I’ve finally had a chance to get this going and delighted by how easy you’ve made finding recent paintings to feature and flexibility in adding/modifying the alert. wow! Better than blogging these days. Thanks again.