Framing a Raymar canvas panel

Oh geez. I bought 6 Raymar panels - 6x8” but I am struggling with how to frame these bad boys. The artwork goes all the way to the edge so I don’t want any overlap to cover up any of the panel. I thought about gorilla-glueing the panel onto a framed board….not crazy about that idea but I’m desperate to find a solution. I’m open for suggestions/advice. Hard to find any frames for 6x8 so that was my first mistake. Ugh. Lol

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Those are hard to find, that’s true. I saw some on amazon, plein air frames - even bought one for myself. But they could be out of stock. Also, all frames will have some overlap with artwork

The plein air floater frames from might work.

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I saw one floater in which the guy just dropped it in. No overlap. I believe he glued it in. I can’t remember the website now but they did not have the 6x8. I’m thinking it has to be made. Do not want any overlap. I will check out the web frame site. Thanks ladies!

Tara, these are perfect. I noticed that they recommend a 1/4” around space between your panel and the frame. Is that what people normally do? I would lean towards it being a little tighter in there. Want to weigh in Carol Marine??

Industrial strength Velcro works in place of glue if you think you may want to change out the frame in the future. Also you can glue strips of wood to the back (paint black) to create your own cradled panel.


Good suggestion. Haven’t thought about that
in a very long time. :+1:t3:

Another option that is popular for the small panels is a small decorative easel that you can find at Michael’s or another craft store. Then display on a book shelf, cabinet, table, etc. If you look in decorating magazines you will see this . I display panels up to 12x12 this way. It is also a good marketing tool to customers— they don’t have to frame!

Yes, I have done this too. Good for displaying.:+1:t3:

Hello! Hi! I don’t even know whether to record edges now or not. I thought it was fine with Passepartout and without Passepartout, too. It depends on what anyone wants.

Hi there. This would be for an oil painting so I probably wouldn’t do a passe-partout look. I’m a cheap skate so I’m probably going to have to coach my husband on making a certain kind of floater frame for this particular piece. He’s made floater frames in the past for me but not for a panel.

I always use floater frames and there are many options for a small piece, velcro is easiest if you attach a solid backing board. Another option is glueing just two small strips of 1/2” sq or smaller(purchase at your local hardware in 3’ length and cut with a hand saw). You can forgo a frame completely and glue the strips equal distance apart and attach a wire for hanging.

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Forgot to say, I make my own floater frames and if you like I’ll be happy to send pics of what I think is the easiest design for small pieces. also sells the Velcro strips to adhere panels into frames. They have a custom shop in house and can make many things and respond quickly to email questions. Or call them! Very helpful.
You can make almost any frame a floater if you size it correctly and use a panel behind to hold the frame. I’ve also glued panels to birch boxes, and then painted or stained the edges of the box.

That’s interesting….Maybe I can find some 6x8 birch cradles….hmmmmm…

These floater frames are well made and won’t break the bank. I have several of their non-floater styles.

Ooooooooh. Those are beautiful!

Here’s a link to instructions and a short video about attaching painted panels to floater frames with dots of clear silicone glue. I’ve used this method and find that it works very well. Paintings can be removed by cutting the dots of silicone glue (sealant) with a mat knife. Dots of silicon, rather than beads makes it easier to remove a painting.

I wouldn’t use Gorilla Glue for this job. It is permanent. Also, since it expands, it might be difficult to keep the glue from showing on the front of the frame.

I ordered some floater frames from They are well built and have a very nice, clean look. They also arrived undamaged.