Buy Now or auction?

Do members have more sales using “Buy Now” or “auction” option? I seem to have a decent number of clicks but no sales. I am ready to cancel my subscription if I can’t figure this out.

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There are significantly more sales through Buy Now Links than through auctions.

Selling artwork through auctions was very popular when DPW started, in great part because of the Daily Painters movement, for which eBay auctions was an integral part. Most artists selling online, which was something new, followed suite and sold through auctions, as well. Buyers didn’t have an alternative nor had anything else to compare it to.

A lot has changed since. Selling art online, along with most things, has taken off and online markets, such as Amazon, have conditioned people to be able to buy what they want now and not have to wait.

My wife, Carol Marine, who was one of the first Daily Painters in 2006, stopped selling though auctions last year.

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Thanks for this info.