Hello to all in Dpw

Hello! I’m new here. I am also a new oil painter. I enjoy painting and I enjoy looking at and learning from your paintings. Thank you

Welcome and success in your journey! I’m quite new to oil too, about six months or so.

Hellooooo! Welcome, it’s a wonderful online community. Try this link to read about getting one important thing done!

I’m sure you’ll love it, Jennifer. It’s beautifully run and you’ll find lots of support, camaraderie, and inspiration. I know I have. Welcome!

Hey, Sunny Avocado…thanks for the information on how to include a link to my DPW gallery from my icon. Thanks…I just did that!

Cool and I just used it to look at your gallery, nice work!

Hi, Sunny Avocado…thanks for the information on how to include a link to my DPW gallery from my icon …I just did that as well! Thank you!

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