Happy New Year!

I want to wish everybody here a wonderful 2018! Lots of joy, great health and tons of sales. :grinning:

One of my resolution for a new year - post more art on this website and participate in this wonderful forum (usually I am just lurking here)



Happy New Year!!!

:champagne: :clinking_glasses: :tada:

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MY RESOLUTION, PUT ART A FEW NOTCHES UP ON THE PRIORITY LIST! Thereā€™s always something coming along using up all of my time. But 2018 will be better!

Happy New Year!


I just discovered this website in 2017 after reading Carolā€™s book, and it has been a great source of inspiration and motivation. I actually had ā€œdiscoveredā€ the concept of daily painting and smaller artwork on my own many years ago, but then quit painting for quite a few years. I worked in a different field than art and it was hard finding time to paint. However, I retired a year ago and one of my goals was to start painting again.

I am approaching artwork like I do exerciseā€” I try to do something every day, but Iā€™m flexible about the specific action. I may not paint every day, but I do it several days a week and do related activities on my ā€œoffā€ days, such as drawing, reading about art, going to galleries, viewing art on-line, organizing my studio, toning canvases, etc.

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Exactly same here Sunny.
Today I started a 30 in 30 challenge.
The washing-up can just waitā€¦ every day.
Iā€™ve resolved to paint first, other chores come second. The trouble is, thereā€™s always something to do to take you away from painting and by the time you get to it, your day is gone.

Happy New Year to you too. x

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Jacqueline, that has been my frustration exactly! The days go by so quickly and I am one to get things off the list as quickly as I can but it keeps getting added toā€¦and if I keep myself and my art lastā€¦wellā€¦time runs out.

Can we really resolve to move it up the list? Iā€™m trying to!


Remember the wisdom of Yoda: thereā€™s no try. Only do.


Is it time for new resolution already? OMG! It was just yesterday!

Any way, I am getting closer to my personal wish (not really resolution) to enjoy process of painting, not to be intimidated by it. I discovered an interesting process when you make all sorts of mess, marks, texture on surface and then extract what I see (kinda negative painting).
And actually that way I look forward to paint first in the morning and not to do laundry/vacuum/whatever else. Sometimes it works. :slight_smile: